$40 for 40 Years = $10,000!
24/7 HELP LINE 707.255.NEWS (6397)
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Thanks to you, we met our goal!

YOU, our community, raised $10,000 to honor survivors during Domestic Violence Awareness Month!

Three cheers and a big THANK YOU to all who donated during the month of October (Domestic Violence Awareness Month). You did it, and we appreciate you so much for stepping up to help survivors!

Funds raised in October will help house DV survivors in need of emergency shelter. As COVID-19 rages on, we continue to house DV victims and their families in hotel rooms to ensure their safety and health—from both abuse and the coronavirus.

Our $10,000 was for Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October, but our special campaign for our 40th Anniversary lasts through June 2022! Consider making a sustaining pledge!

 If you are experiencing abuse or would just like some information, please call our help line, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


The Doctors Company – Domestic Violence Prevention Champion
Napa Valley Marketplace Magazine – Domestic Violence Prevention Ally