October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month
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Dear Friend of NEWS,

This week we kick-off our annual commemoration of Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM). In October, we honor the brave survivors. We hold them up with respect and we walk beside them as they make the most difficult decisions and face many challenges in order to protect themselves and their children.
DVAM is the perfect setting to celebrate all of our survivors, staff, volunteers, and community with the publication of our FY22/23 Annual Report, The Incredible NEWS Voyage. I ask you to take a look at our journey for the past year and to recommit your support for NEWS. Your advocacy goes a long way to raising awareness about the challenges survivors in our community face, enhancing services available to support their complex needs, and disrupting the cycle of violence for the next generation.
Join us all month long as we reflect on the impact we can have when we join together to support survivors of domestic violence.
Tracy Lamb, NEWS Executive Director

Funds raised up to $5,000 in October will support our confidential Shelter to house families in immediate danger

When a client walks into NEWS to ask for help or when the police call NEWS to come support a survivor in their home, this is the crucial time when emergency resources are needed most. Hotel rooms have become an essential “tool in the toolbox” for our staff to secure survivor safety and reduce their immediate risk to danger. Hotel rooms ensure survivors have access to safe housing, in the moment, when they are escaping violence. This helps stabilize clients as they safety plan and figure out "what next" during their time of crisis.
Your support to help us raise $5,000 for our Shelter would ensure nine families to gain safe refuge. Make a donation today!
Funds raised above $5,000 will go to supporting NEWS' efforts to caring for survivors of domestic violence and sexual abuse. Your donation matters, no matter what and no matter when!


October 1-31
Walk by our window art installation at the County Office located at 1127 First Street in Downtown Napa as we commemorate DVAM!

Various Dates October
Civic action with a cause! Thank you to our local city and county boards who are proclaiming October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month!
October 19
National Wear Purple Day! Start a conversation about why you support survivors and commit to ending DV in our community with a donation to NEWS!
October 21
Join us as we celebrate The Power of Purple in honor of DV survivors. Festivities are from 12-4pm at The Oxbow Commons.

  If you are experiencing abuse or would just like some information, please call our help line, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


The Doctors Company

Domestic Violence Prevention Champion

To learn how you can become a NEWS Community Champion sponsor, check out our website HERE!