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We all remember how the Grinch complained about the holiday noise coming from Whoville, but the Whos believed the noise was beautiful. The Whos of Whoville are known for their welcoming hearts and warm spirits. NEWS sounds a lot like Whoville to me.

It can get pretty noisy here at NEWS during the holidays. Gifts are being delivered, food baskets are going out, phones are ringing, and everyone is in motion. We are here, ready to welcome those during their hardest time. I am so grateful for the noise.

You, our community, are a part of NEWS’ “Whoville”. Please consider supporting our survivors this holiday season with a donation. Heart to heart and hand in hand, we couldn’t do what we do without you.

Happy and safe holidays to all,

Tracy Lamb, NEWS Executive Director


Need another reason to give this year? Our Board is matching the first $10,000 donated to NEWS in December when you donate through the Napa Valley CanDo’s Give!Guide! Head to the below link, select NEWS and any other organization you'd like to support, and double your impact today!

We recently assisted a male client, "John," who was experiencing emotional, physiological, and physical violence from his long-term partner. He had tried to get help in the past from friends and family, but had felt he was judged and that people had a bias towards him, not believing him or taking him seriously.

Then, there was an incident where police responded and granted John and his child an emergency protective order. He was then referred to NEWS’ Court Advocates, who helped him through the process of requesting a more permanent restraining order.

At first, when John was in high crisis, you could see the anxiety, fear and stress in his face and his body language. He needed extra support in the beginning, and our Court Advocates met his need, helping him prioritize what needed to get done. Our Court Advocates helped file the initial temporary restraining order application and referred John to the local legal clinic, where they were able to offer full representation on his case.

John received financial assistance to help with food, bills, and security cameras, and he gained support from NEWS's Housing and Self-Sufficiency program to identify long-term housing options for himself and his kid.

While the court process is ongoing, John is trying to bring balance and peace in to his life. With the help of NEWS, he has become more empowered and confident, one small step at a time. John has ambitious goals and dreams for his life with his child and we have no doubt that he will accomplish them all.

If you are experiencing abuse or would just like some information, please call our help line, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Are you a local business passionate about supporting survivors? To learn how you can become a NEWS Community Champion sponsor, check out our website HERE!