NEWS continues to help victims of abuse
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Dear Community Members,

Thanks to the generous support of our community, NEWS has continued to take care of our vulnerable neighbors here in Napa County. Since shelter-in-place orders began, NEWS has seen a 300% increase in emergency food assistance requests and a 460% increase in emergency housing assistance requests - all due to economic insecurity resulting from the pandemic. Our dedicated staff have been working hard to meet this increase in our community’s needs: to date, NEWS has distributed nearly $130,000 in emergency funds, guaranteeing that 92 families maintain housing security and ensuring 76 families--including 159 children--remain nourished.

We would like to thank those organizations and individuals who have provided financial support, and also those organizations who are also providing critical services to our clients. We would also like to thank our amazing staff who make these successes possible.

Also, check out this article in the Napa Valley Register "Staying at home feels like the safest option, except for Napa's domestic violence victims."

Reflections of NEWS...

NEWS Continues to Meet the Needs of Local Youth, Virtually!

Carla, who leads our YOUthMatter Program at the local middle and high schools, has been meeting with students one-on-one through video chat during the Covid-19 Shelter-At-Home. Carla relays an example of the type of work she has compassionately been doing with the students:

“Even though we are in isolation, relationships don’t stop! And this is especially true about teens that are holding on tight to relationships as a form of 'normality' even when they question the meaningfulness of them. A particular student was facing just that… wanting some tools to break up safely, and set healthy boundaries, all while being respectful of the other person’s feelings and mental health during quarantine. The student remembered that NEWS had been on campus and reached out to the Wellness Program Social Worker to let me know they were interested in connecting. We did just that! By brainstorming, looking at resources and walking through the steps of the potential conversation they would be having with their partner. We also discussed the need of human connections, all while not forgetting our self-worth and our own needs. We will be staying in contact to follow up once they have that important conversation, to navigate through the next set of feelings.”

For more Reflections of NEWS click HERE.

Thank You Community Partners!