NEWS continues to help victims of abuse
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Dear Community Members,

These past few weeks have been a trying time for our families, our community, and the world. Here at NEWS, we have transitioned to remote-based operations to ensure the safety of our clients, our staff and their families. Knowing there are added challenges, our commitment to providing safety, hope, healing and empowerment for survivors of domestic and sexual abuse remains stronger than ever.

In the first two weeks of April alone, we have provided 26 households with emergency food support and 34 families with emergency financial housing assistance. We are continuing to reach out to those most vulnerable during this crisis—most critically, children. Our staff have been creative with engaging the kids we work with, and are hosting a Spring coloring contest for our children’s support group members, as well as reaching out with letters, phone calls and video chats.

Our ability to pivot to this new way of responding to the needs of survivors would not have been possible without some very thoughtful, recent donations. We would like to express our immense gratitude to the Napa Valley Community Foundation, Redwood Credit Union, and some amazing private donors, for recognizing the added needs of our organization and our clients, and so generously contributing, to help us meet our new challenges.

We want to assure you that NEWS is here, ready to help. We will continue our support of victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse, and our dedication towards violence prevention and community outreach. Although we can’t stand next to survivors right now, we most certainly stand with them, until we are all able to be together again.

Thank you for your continued support of NEWS during this time.

Stay safe and well,

Tracy Lamb, NEWS Executive Director

Reflections of NEWS...

“I lost both of my jobs during the pandemic and never thought I would make it on my own”

“My daughter and I were doing pretty well. We had just found our own safe place to live after staying in the NEWS shelter for several months. I thought I was finally getting my life back together, and then Covid-19 hit. I had 2 jobs, but I lost both of them when the Shelter at Home order took effect. Now, I have no income. Helen and Michelle at NEWS helped me with special funding to get moved, pay my rent, get food and housewares, and Matthews Mattress even helped deliver a bed to my house, even though they are closed. Now I have a nice home, and I know that NEWS will help me get through this uncertain time, just like they helped me get through my abuse.”

(Mom, Napa, Housing & Self Sufficiency Program)

For more Reflections of NEWS click HERE.

Thank You Community Partners!