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ALERTA DE SEGURIDAD: El uso de una computadora puede ser identificado y actividades en la internet nunca pueden ser totalmente eliminadas del disco duro. Si piensas que tu uso de computadora posiblemente esta siendo monitoriado favor de encontrar un  lugar seguro donde puedas navegar la red social, por ejemplo la casa de una amistad confiable o la biblioteca publica. O llama a nuestra  linea de Violencia Domestica disponible las 24 horas al 707-255-NEWS (6397) si te encuentras en el Valle de Napa, o a este (800) 799-7233 si te encuentras fuera del Condado de Napa. Si estas visitando nuestra pagina y necesitas salirte rapidamente a una pagina no relacionada, oprime el boton rojo de ESCAPE arriba en la esquina de la mano derecha y seras desviado/a. Favor de probar este función en su computadara AHORA MISMO para asegurarse que se sienta comodo/a usando esta función.

Los servicios de NEWS están disponibles para todos, independientemente del estatus migratorio.

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707-255-NEWS (6397)




Holiday Donations

Each year NEWS sponsors the Adopt-A-Family Program where generous donors are matched up with a NEWS family in need. This year, we already have many families who have been paired with an individual or group who will make sure that their holiday wishes will come true, but there are more families out there to help!  If you are interested in adopting a NEWS family this season, please contact Nicole Solorio at the NEWS administrative office, (707) 252-3687 or

“It is just so nice to be able to offer something to a woman as she is waiting in our lobby to see an advocate,” says Melissa Andrade-Montañez, NEWS Bilingual Support Services Advocate, who greets each client as they come in for appointments at the NEWS administrative office. “Sometimes they have to wait a little while before they can see the court advocate or housing case manager. I like to be able to talk to them a little and ask them if there is something they need. Often they just need everyday items like full-sized shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, hairspray… things like that. It really makes me feel good to be able to give them something that was donated especially for them.”

During the holidays our community really shines! Many groups and individuals ask what they can do to help, and what they can give, to make the lives of women, moms, and children happier and more hopeful during a very difficult time. During the holiday season we will have 4 moms and 8 children who will call the NEWS Safe House their home. We also have an average of 45 women, and their children, who are in various stages of transition, or are breaking free from an abusive relationship. They are actively seeking services and counseling, and are working hard to rebuild their lives. They will be struggling to get through the holidays with added emotional stress, and would be uplifted by your gifts and donations.

 “Recently, the women coming into the shelter have fewer and fewer resources available to them,” says Sara Engle, NEWS Emergency Shelter Manager. Generally with little or no income, we need to supply them with all of their basic needs -- food, transportation, toiletries -- as we help them find a job, obtain child support, etc.”

Your gifts can make the season less stressful for the women and children we help.  Monetary donations are the best, as we can put the money toward the very specific needs of the individuals. The gifts of items like hand knit scarves, quilts, backpacks, kitchen items and toys are always heartwarming. If you have a church group, or community organization, or just individuals who would like to make a gift donation to NEWS this holiday season, here are the items that we need the most:

  • Gift cards: Grocery store, Walmart, Target, etc. (Please write $ amount on the cards)
  • Full-sized toiletries: Shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste & brushes, soap, bodywash
  • New Bath supplies: Towels, hairbrushes, curling irons, slippers, robes
  • New Kitchen items: Coffeemakers, toasters, blenders

Thank you so much for thinking of NEWS when planning your holiday giving. If you would like more information, contact Karen Calhoun, NEWS Development Director, at (707) 252-3687 or If you would like to make an online donation (one-time, or set up a monthly payment) please click HERE.

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