Nominations For Men Making NEWS 2013
An integral part of NEWS' mission is to work toward changing the aspects of our culture that perpetuate domestic violence. Therefore, NEWS wants to honor men who present positive male role models for our children, youth and community by publicly recognizing their outstanding contribution with a corresponding award. By acknowledging their accomplishments in teaching respect, non-violence and positive family values, we hope to inspire our community to do more to prevent the epidemic of family violence.
2013 Young Man of the Year
There is no better leader than one who starts young. Napa County has a wonderful youth community; therefore NEWS wants to acknowledge a male leader between the age of 13-21 who is passionate about ending violence and creating youth leadership in Napa County.
2013 Male Role Model of the Year
Who demonstrates to us that to be a real man requires strength not violence? Who illustrates that they are not the same thing? Who reminds us that respect for others is the greatest power? This nominee can be a teacher, mentor, preacher, police officer, firefighter, crossing guard, public service provider, coach, community volunteer, Scout Leader, or any other educator or community leader.
2013 Father of the Year
Raising a family can be hard enough, and raising an emotionally and physically healthy family is even harder. NEWS celebrates a father, father figure or family mentor who has helped to enrich and create a better life for any family.
The awards will be presented during a recognition luncheon to be held at the Napa Elk’s Lodge on Friday, June 14th. Please save the date and make sure that you and your nominee will be able to attend the luncheon.
2013 Nomination Form - English
2013 Nomination Form - Spanish
Instructions for Nominating:
Mail, fax, or email the completed form to NEWS at: 1141 Pear Tree Lane, Suite 220, Napa, CA 94558, fax (707) 224-1560, email Nomination forms must be received by NEWS no later than May 17, 2013.
About NEWS
Napa Emergency Women’s Services (NEWS) believes that those who have become victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse have the power to strengthen and heal. Every day we bring respect, understanding, and resources to survivors, because we believe with kindness and support, we can create peaceful homes and healthy communities. NEWS provides direct client services as well as shelter 24 hours a day/7 days a week, to approximately 1200 women and children each year. We work on prevention through education and outreach programs. The NEWS Crisis line number is (707) 255-NEWS (6397).