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Thank You For an Amazing Event! WWS 2013

On behalf of everyone at NEWS, we would like to extend our deepest thanks and gratitude to each and every person who gave with all their hearts.

Penelope's Paintings, Nancy's Necklace, Sherry Gallagher Beadwork, Mali Sabatasso, Teddi Hosman Designs,Montecristi Panama Hats, Nomad Chic, Susie O's Handbags, UB Chic, Eye Care Center of Napa, Juice Beauty,Tiffany Jorge, Shaw Shoes, Bonfaire, Diana E Kelly,Carpe Diem Wine Bar, Oakville Grocery, Bistro Don Giovanni,Tarla Mediterranean Grill, Fish Story Napa, Oenotri, Cole's Chop House, Napa Valley Bistro, Fume Bistro, La Condesa, Wine Country Catering, The Pear Southern Bistro, Lucy Restaurant & Bar, Mankas Steakhouse,Tres Sabores Winery,Raymond Vineyards,Charles Krug Winery, Lorenza Wine, Cakebread Cellars, Piña Vineyards, Silver Oak Winery, Swanson Vineyards, Peju Provence Winery, Clif Family Winery, Domaine Chandon, Code 3, Mario Bazan Cellars, Ilaria Wines, Crocker and Starr Wines



Special Offer

As a thank you for participating in this year’s Wine, Women & Shoes event benefiting NEWS, one of our sponsors, Wilson Daniels, would like to share with you some very special wines from their distinguished portfolio at a reduced price. For a description and detailed information on each wine, please visit their website The special order form for the wines is HERE.

For a photo gallery of NEWS Wine Women & Shoes 2013 from photographer Moanalani Jeffrey, please click HERE.

Please click on "More Details" to see a listing of all the incredible volunteers!






We Couldn't have Done It Without Our Fabulous Volunteers!

 Committee Chairs

Jennie Thayer (Chair), Katie Somple, Karen Calhoun, Danielle Schmitz, Diane Bishofberger, Edie Kausch, Gail Silverman, Julie Rayner, Linda Hamilton, Lisa Lindsey, Nancy Mott, Randy Gnagy, Rebekah Barr, Myles Davis, Christina Musto, Ben Webster, Noreen Fetzer, Taylor McDaniel, Sarah Dickens, Karen Lucia
Sara Chappellet, Terry Wunderlich
Lisa Wunderlich, Sandra Re, Tracy Lamb, Alicia Sylvia

Host Committee

Colin Craft, Todd White, Monica Stephens, Lauren Nicholsen, Ron Nicholsen

Event Day Volunteers

Adriana Espinoza, Alice Fernandez, Andi Frattini, Anna Darden, Bianca Simms, Bill Facendini, Cailin Monahan, Candace Westgate, Cecily Mason, Cheri Stanley, Chris Wunderlich, Christina Huffman, Cindy Barry, Cindy Brockmeyer, Cyndi Kasten, Danielle Gularte Maloney, Deb Oberlin, Debbie Drake, Debbie Greene, Debby LeMieux, Ellen Politz, Gino Gonnell, Heidi Rickerd-Rizzo, Hillary Hoppe, Ima Holcomb, Jamie Zivney, Jane Williams, Janna Waldinger, Jen Balaguy, Jobina Toh, Jodi Dell, Jovana Garibay, Joyce Oakley, Judy Garcia, Judy Levin, June Kirkpatrick, Karlie Ocenasek, Kenzie Fetzer, Lacey Scott, Lee Schwab, Linda LaPonza, Lisa Carey, Lisa McClung, Liz Kashani, Lyndsey Richart, Lynn Harold, Maggie Friedrich, Maria Perez, Maria Stel, Maricela Ochoa, Meghan Balaguy, Melanie Merkner, Monica Nichelini, Nancy Levenberg, Pam Silleman, Pat Shiery, Paula Goyins, Renee Hodge, Sam Holland, Sarah Parker, Shannon Sill, Shea Hunter, Susan Heims, Suzy Anderson, Sylvan Mance, Tracy Schulze, Wayne Wunderlich

Special Thanks to our Shoe Guys, Models, and Stylists

Adrian Anigoni, Brian Banducci, Tom Bardessano, Mark Bontrager, Steve Brady, Brian Brown, Kelly Crane, Chase Crow, John Cordeiro, James Darden, Myles Davis, Sean Dempsey, Jason Diaz, Brian Dodd, Jonah Edwards, Jim Fehring, Glenn Giamo, Curtis Hecker, Eric Jorgensen, Greg Knittel, Monte Martin, Pete Mott, Alfredo Pedroza, Ron Perez, Matt Pope, Sean Quinn, Steve Rodriquez, Peter Schmitz, Glen Weeks,, Ian White, Scott Young, Kandace Davis, Jeri Meltzer, Heidi Rickerd-Rizzo, Emily Somple, Kerri Greene, Fanny Woo, Oscar, Azalea Aguilar, David James, Bret Butler, Dylan Mason, Oren Lewin, Richard Von Saal, Michele Truchard, Holly Mason, Shannon Staglin, Katie Finn, Sara Chappellet, Ioana Bina, Tricia Williams, Daru Kawalkowski, Laurie Nigliazzo, Lauren Nicholsen, Ron Nicholsen, Alexandra Morgan, Cindy O’Brien, Flavia Cesa, Cindy Buscaglia, Lisa Emery