We Need Foster Parents For Pets!
The Survivor Pet Outreach Team (SPOT) is a program of NEWS which matches the pets of women entering the NEWS emergency shelter with a foster caregiver who will take care of the animal while the woman receives care and counseling at the shelter. Often women will choose to stay with their abuser instead of seeking shelter because they are afraid that their beloved pet will be harmed or neglected. SPOT provides a safe home for the pet with a caring trained volunteer. Once the survivor is ready to live on her own, the pet will be returned, safe and sound. This is usually between two and 16 weeks. As NEWS gets busier, we need more Foster parents to take care of pets for us. If our wonderful volunteer, Jen, has a few foster pets already or goes on vacation, we need a backup list of volunteers to help out. If you are interested in possibly fostering a pet for us, please contact Karen at karenc@napanews.org or call (707) 252-3687.