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Special Mom Clients at NEWS

Here at NEWS, we are are constantly impressed with the strength, courage, and love in our clients who are mothers. They often are in the middle of the hardest thing they will ever do in their lives, leaving their home, and they put their children first. They are breaking the cycle of violence and giving their children a better life, free of violence, and full of hope. For Mother’s Day, we would like to share a few stories about some of our special moms.

Mom’s supporting each other is something we see a lot at the shelter. Recently a client’s son turned 5 years old. She was worried that his birthday wouldn’t feel as special because they were in the shelter. The other moms in the house wanted to support her so they rallied together to help her cook food and make treats to celebrate. They ended up having an amazing party for the birthday boy. It was such a beautiful experience to see the unity between moms as they worked together to make the day so special for everyone involved.

Vanessa is separated from her children who are living with their grandparents. She works two, sometimes three, jobs 6-7 days a week to be able to send money to her boys who she video chats with daily. They are her pride and joy and she shares videos of her sons singing songs to her about how much they love her, and messages of them asking for for school supplies. Although she misses them terribly, they encourage her with the hope that one day they will be reunited.

One of our Sexual Assault Victim Services advocates has a case where the oldest sister has been the mother to her sibling due to mom’s absence.  She has raised her little sister since she was three years old. She has 50% custody, has always been there for her, and loves to be with her sister. Sisters can always be very helpful and are really good role models for their siblings.  They can be mother figures, too.   

And lastly, a quote from an amazing mom: “I'm so proud of myself! I just finished school! There was a time not so long ago when I didn't know if I and my children would see tomorrow, and to look back at that now, it feels like a completely different life. I'm proud not only of my accomplishment and the hard work I put in, but in the example I am setting for my children. Instead of me putting up with abuse, they see me standing up for myself. Instead of admitting defeat, they see me getting up every day and trying again. Instead of violence, they see love - boundless love. For all of that, I am proud and grateful for NEWS. They helped me plant myself on my own two feet.”

*Names have been changed